Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Outsider's View on Japanese Culture

Japan has gotten a lot of headlines recently because of the tsunami and earthquake. However that country and it's culture have had a pretty long influence beforehand on what I do, how I live, and many of my artistic ventures.

Firstly, even though I've yet to visit the country, discovering Japanese culture has been one of the most positive points throughout my life. A lot of the people I have known that have been associated with that culture have been 'otaku' (obsessive anime fans for the uninitiated) but the common denominator for all of them is that they have been some of the few people that have accepted me over the years when others only point out my flaws and shortcomings. For this reason I have associated Japanese culture with true love and kindness, and is probably the main motivation why I want to visit and maybe live there one day.

Since I have come to this perception, I have written many poems and one poetry series called Japan which I finished earlier this year. I hope to write 2 more on the subject and make something of a trilogy. I've heard that there are many places in Japan, especially after the tsunami, that carry heavy emotions of loss and despair. However for a place where many people transcend materialism and focus on goals more virtuous, there should be a sense of resolve and caring that has allowed their culture to survive over thousands of years despite war and tyranny.

No place on Earth is perfect and Japan is no exception to this rule, however I believe the country contains something beautiful in my eyes that I have rarely come across since I was younger. That something is the equal chance of finding those who will care about you, no matter your perceived social ineptness or inequality. That's why I will try to learn the Japanese language and visit the place that has been a distant source of happiness and inspiration throughout these times of turmoil and social upheavals.

Ganbare Nippon,
Justin Reid

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